Thank you!

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I used to ride many of the Youth Fair rides that you couldn’t pay me any amount of money to ride now!

After my divorce, I took my 4 then preteen and young daughters to the theme parks in Orlando. My two eldest loved the biggest, wildest rides, but my two youngest had to stay with me because they were too short for the big rides, so I went on the smaller rides with them. My youngest, 5 or 6 at the time was fearless and convinced me to ride a smaller roller coaster with her and her sister who’s 4 years older than her. Roller coasters are my least favorite rides so I usually just watch, not ride. Well this ride she convinced me to go on, plunged into water at the bottom. As we got to the pinnacle of the ride, I got that sensation in the pit of my stomach of impending doom and the entire way down I was screaming “Oh shit, oh shit”😆 as we plunged in the water, my adrenaline in full throttle, and then it was finally over! My youngest walked off the ride repeating the new phrase she learned that day, Oh shit! You had to have been there!

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Okay first off, Substack never informed me of your wonderful, gorgeous comment; which is why I'm so so sorry I couldn't respond before this earlier.

Your kids sound wonderful, especially ur fearless youngest and the way she convinced u to ride with her?? mad respect

The top of the roller coaster is usually the most unhinged and exciting part, and Ik which ride u mean!! I did ride that one too hehe

sdjsjdsdh rip that she learned the phrase that day, kids remember the wildest things lmao

Thank you so much for your comment, it was memorable and wonderful. Glad my article reminded u of that time and made u smile <33

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You are wonderful!! 🙏🏼💚💫

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Rollercoasters are fun, even though I myself haven't been on one of them ever, but this is an interesting and fun way to think about them, of course adrenaline rush sounds far better than death trap 💀 , I'm not gonna lie, I'm thinking about getting flung off a rollercoaster right now and it sounds fun( I'm joking of course), but in all seriousness, letting go and just being in the moment sounds right.. Loving your thoughts, I hope you keep them coming whenever you feel like it ❤❤

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I hope we can go on one together!

NOOO please dont think like that I will personally come to find you

Thank you bbgl, I'll try to keep em coming hehe <33

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